ZF Steering Gear India, a leading supplier ball and nut integral hydraulic power and worm and roller mechanical steering system, today announced termination of 236 employees on the back of a month long mass leave.
The company had earlier informed about a group of engineers proceeding on en-mass leave from December 2, 2017 till about January,1, 2018, without any prior intimation and without sufficient cause.
Following this misconduct the company had initiated an enquiry proceeding and an enquiry officer was appointed to investigate the charges of misconduct levelled against those employees. The company says the enquiry proceedings were conducted in fair and just manner and following all the principles of natural justice. The concerned employees were found guilty of misconduct in the said proceedings.
Thereafter, ZF Steering Gear held several rounds of discussion with the concerned employees but no solution emerged. The company has finally decided to terminate the employment of these 236 employees with effect from October 26/27, 2018. All the concerned employees have been paid their due amount under the provisions of law.
The company is making alternate arrangements so as to minimise the loss of production.