Maruti Suzuki India has announced the introduction of Auto Gear Shift (AGS) or automated manual transmission option in the top-end ZXi+ and ZDi+ variants of its popular hatchback, the new Swift launched in February 2018. At the launch, AGS transmission was offered in the VXI, ZXI, VDI and ZDI variants.
Introducing the AGS on the top-end Swift variants, R S Kalsi, senior executive director (Marketing & Sales), Maruti Suzuki India, said, “The Swift has always scored high on customers’ expectations. AGS has been very well appreciated by our Swift customers. We had customer feedback seeking convenience of AGS in the high-selling, top-end variants. Accordingly, we are now offering AGS in the top-end ZXI+ and ZDI+ variants. This will further strengthen the Swift brand and enhance the popularity of Maruti Suzuki’s two-pedal technology.”
Since its launch in 2005, the Swift has sold over 1.9 million units in India.