Earlier this month, Faurecia acquired IRYStec Software, a Canadian start-up. IRYStec has developed the world's first software platform using perception and physiology in order to optimise the display system within the cockpit and therefore the user experience.
This comprehensive software solution enables the display to be customized for the driver's viewing angle and ambient light, providing a safer, more comfortable and lower cost experience. This technology, suitable for all types and sizes of screen, improves perceived brightness and contrast by up to 30%. In addition, it also achieves energy savings of up to 30% and reduces heat generation. This technology will be launched later this year in a high-end vehicle.
“As part of our vision of a connected and immersive Cockpit of the Future, the innovative solution offered by IRYStec is a unique commercial advantage for our display technologies. Thanks to its technical expertise and talented teams, IRYStec will allow us to offer advanced and highly customizable display solutions,” said Jean-Paul Michel, Executive Vice-President of Faurecia Clarion Electronics.
“Joining forces with Faurecia is an important step for IRYStec. It will allow the development of our software solution for intelligent display supported by a world leader in automotive technologies. We are very impressed with Faurecia's track record in terms of innovation. We look forward to building the next generation of products together for a unique user experience within the cockpit,” commented Tara Akhavan, founder of IRYStec Software