G Krishnasami
RSB Transmissions' vice-president (Total Quality Management) shares with Sumantra B Barooah the experience of the journey to the Deming Prize.
What were the key steps taken to improve TQM at RSB Transmissions?
A continual improvement culture and bringing OPD – Ownership for failure and success (key result area and key performance indicator), Pride to do a job better than before (continual improvement) and Discipline to adhere to established standards.
What were the major improvements in processes and overall efficiency of the business?
Satisfaction of all stakeholders namely customers, employees, investors, vendors, government and society.Targets are fixed each year and a clear process established for each of the stakeholders. The targets were deployed to the plants and departments and the key in TQM activity is Total Employee Involvement (TEI). Constant review and direction by the top management and rotation of PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) has helped in improving overall sales, besides satisfaction of all stakeholders.
Do you plan to implement any new strategy/process to enhance productivity/ efficiency of the automotive business?
After establishing effective TQM, we are now planning to improve the infrastructure by Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). TPM is for improving overall equipment effectiveness and ultimately introducing world-class manufacturing.RSB is continually focusing on improving productivity, reducing cost and enhancing quality by involving all people (TEI). In this process, several improvements have been done by RSB and most importantly focusing on cost-effective in-house equipment/machinery.
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