‘OEMs are transforming into Software Organisations’: Tata Technologies' Sandeep Terwad
ADAS will evolve into a more affordable and indispensable component of vehicles across the spectrum. Level 3 shall bec...
ADAS will evolve into a more affordable and indispensable component of vehicles across the spectrum. Level 3 shall bec...
We’re actually sourcing our cells from multiple countries now, said the Co-founder and CEO of Raptee.
"We are trying to open up a segment that has been dormant for a very long period of time, which is currently dominated...
"We are doing the opposite of what EV-age OEMs are doing. We are taking a conservative approach to making sure we have...
"We are also keeping in mind that we have to become profitable one day," Shelke said.
The challenges are more ground-driven in terms of the availability of electricity, and how to make it more economical,...
Referring to the operating challenges in India as 'humongous'' Gupta went on to explain how they innovated on the prod...
“We started Orxa because we wanted to build a bike that we wanted to ride. We realised that there was no product in th...
India can bridge the EV skill gap by considering international models while acknowledging its labor-intensive economy....
Gender norms are fading, with individual preferences taking centre stage, says the Business Director, Refinish- South...